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            138  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (29): 137-156, Winter 2022

               Introduction                             The Islamic world has been
               The “Great Sexual Revolution”         affected by the western world's
               in  the  United  States,  which       sexual  and  mental  liberation;
               began in 1960, had a devastating      where  some  people  have
               effect  on  the  Western  World,      attempted to present the western
               as  premarital  sexual  behavior      model  as  an  alternative  to

               is  now  permitted  outside  of       religious sex education, prompting
               marriage and in public, furthermore   many Muslims in Western countries
               being  open  to  people  of  all      to consider how to address the
               legal  ages  without  limitation.     challenges  that  face  children
               Gay  partnerships  which  were        who have been integrated into
               previously  illegal,  are  now        Western  society,  and  how  to
               regarded as normal relationships      preserve their Islamic identity.
               in the sake of human liberty.            In  the  shadows  of  this  new

                  This western sexuality culture     educational system that mandates
               is  founded  on  a  number  of        sexual  education  for  children
               theories and ideologies, the most     as  young  as  four  years  old,
               notable being Sigmund Freud's         exposing  them  to  topics  and
               “Excitement Sexuality” theory.        issues they had never heard of
               He  believed  that  life  is  made    before, particularly lessons about

               up of tension and pleasure, that      LGBTIQ, which stands for Lesbian,
               all  tension  stems  from  the        Gay,  Bisexual,  Transgender/
               build-up  of  libido  or  sexual      transsexual,  Intersex,  Queer,
               energy  and  that  all  pleasure      and Questioning.
               results  from  its  discharge.           This is what has driven some
               (Freud, 2011)                         parents to voice their opposition
                                                     to the compulsory sex education
                                                     that  is  part  of  the  school
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