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               142  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (29): 137-156, Winter 2022
                      them  from  His  bounty,       as  is  the  case  in  Western
                      and     Allah    is    all-    civilization today.
                      Encompassing and Knowing”.        God Almighty has stated in
                      (Quran, 24: 32)                His Noble Book that individuals
                                                     who are unable to marry due to
                  He further stated:                 poverty or other reasons should
                      “Whosoever likes to follow     seek chastity for what God has
                      my  tradition,  then  he       forbidden  until  He  enriches

                      should know that marriage      them  from  His  bounty  and
                      is  from  my  tradition”.      facilitates their marriage, Which
                      (Hurr Amili, 2008, Vol. 14: 3)
                                                     can be inferred from Surat “Nur”:
                  As  the  Great  Islam  taught             “And  those  who  do  not
               us, progeny is a blessing from               have the financial resources
               God that should not be disregarded.          to marry should remain

               This can be seen in Surat “Kahf”:            chaste until Allah blesses
                                                            them  with  His  bounty.
                      “Wealth  and  children                And  if  any  of  your
                      are  the  adornments  of              slaves  ask  for  a  letter
                      the worldly life, but the             (of liberation), give it to
                      everlasting  good  deeds              them if you know they're

                      are far better with your              good  and  trustworthy.
                      Lord  in  reward  and  in             And from Allah's riches,
                      hope”. (Quran, 18: 46)                which  he  has  bestowed

                  When the Holy Quran speaks                upon you, give something
               of sex, it does it in the context            to  them.  If  your  maids

               of chastity rather than pleasure,            seek chastity, do not drive
                                                            them into prostitution so
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