Page 41 - Pure Life 29
P. 41
40 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (29): 39-71, Winter 2022
Introduction As the founder of Ayurvedic
Perfectionism is one of the mysticism (a kind of secular
critical anthropological foundations spirituality), Chopra has a
of the divine religions, special and unique view about
religious and non-religious the human. His bases in
spiritualities, and schools of anthropology are humanism, one-
thought. Although all religions dimensional human (subjectivism),
seek human perfection, they perfectionism, immortality, and
differ in the type and the way creativity.
of perfection. Perfectionism has a critical
Perfection is divided into role in Chopra’s thought. So,
two categories: spiritual and he gathered a group of new
biological. Some religions and perfectionism leaders, such as
spiritualities believe in both, Neale Donald Walsch, Ken
some of them believe in Wilber, Ervin Laszlo, Barbara
spiritual kind, and others look Marx Hubbard, etc, in 2008 at
for biological perfection. his spiritual center, and with
In this age, religious and the establishment of the World
secular spiritualities seek human Perfectionism Leaders Foundation,
perfection with some made-up he gave them the title of
teachings or teachings rooted “perfectionist leaders.”
in the divine religions. They The main problem of the
believe that humans have essay is that what are the
evolved biologically, and now it objections to Deepak Chopra’s
is their turn to perfect spiritually. spiritual perfectionism according
(Desroche, 2005: 67) to Mulla Sadra’s views?