Page 44 - Pure Life 29
P. 44

A Critical Approach to Human … H.A. Islaminasab et al / (43

               The  Nature  of  Spiritual                  all formed in response to
               Perfection                                  the  human  environment.

                   1.  Spiritual     Perfection,           Meta-biological  evolution
                      according to Chopra                  requires  the  survival  of
               Evolution from Chopra’s perspective         the  wisest  and  most

               has  an  extensive  meaning  and            circumspect  humans.  In
               includes universe evolution, biological,    all these stages, evolution
               social, and transformative evolution .      has  been  done  without

               Leaders of new perfectionism,               effort.  It  is  the  nature  of
               including Chopra, believe that              existence to grow. Becoming
               humans  had  another  evolution             circumspect  will  be  only
               before  biological  evolution.              the next stage in growth.
               After  biological  evolution,  he           We should do nothing but

               experienced meta-biological evolution.      follow the natural tendency
               The  human  then  experienced               that  made  us  conscious
               other  evolutions,  such  as  the           and circumspect in the first
               evolution of consciousness and              stage  and  then  aware  of

               awareness of this consciousness             this consciousness.” (Chopra,
               and,  at  the  same  time,                  2005b: 141)
               awareness of evolution.
                  Then he says:                         He also says about perfection:

                     “Evolution  forms  in  the            Perfection  in  society  is
                     human mind as a result of             very  different  from  true
                     experience now. We absorb             perfection  because  “the
                     this  evolution  to  become           concept  of  perfection  in
                                                           our  society  is  to  play  as
                     a part of our being. Human
                                                           many  roles  as  possible.
                     thoughts and creativity are
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