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               42  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (29): 39-71, Winter 2022
               leaders  of  the  “New  Thought       religious,  philosophical,  and
               Movement”  or  New  Religious         psychological  fields,  and  his
               Movements. He chose metabolism        books  are  translated  into  30
               and endocrinology as his medical      languages.  Twenty-one  of  his
               specialty  and  immigrated  to        books were on the list of New
               the  United  States  in  1970.  In    York Times best-sellers.
               1981, he traveled to India and           “Quantum Healing: Exploring

               met Triguna, who could guess          the  Frontiers  of  Mind/Body
               the  history  of  a  person’s  life   Medicine” and “How to Know
               and  his  diseases  by  taking  a     God”  are  his  most  important
               pulse examination, and he became      books. The first book is about
               interested  in  activities  in  the   health,  mind,  and  spirituality,

               field of Ayurvedic therapies.         written  in  1989  and  presented
                  Since  Chopra’s  Mysticism         in  the  form  of  treatment  and
               is  mainly  based  on  quantum        nutrition  strategies,  Eastern

               physics,  he  was  awarded  the       mysticism, and humanistic thoughts.
               famous Ig Nobel Prize in physics      The  second  book  is  related  to
               in 1998. Time magazine knew           theology.  In  this  book,  he
               him  as  one  of  the  100  Most      introduces an impersonal god -
               Important People of the Century       a  projection  of  the  human

               in 1999 and introduced him as         mind in a perfection process.
               one of the leading symbols of
               the century.  The magazine also
               named Chopra “the poet-prophet

               in alternative medicine.”
                  Chopra has written more than
               80  books  in  different  social,
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