Page 54 - Pure Life 29
P. 54

A Critical Approach to Human … H.A. Islaminasab et al / (53

                  As  a  result,  if  the  human           its existence is an antidote
               gets rid of all roles, he can be            to fear”. (Chopra, 2009: 145)
               perfect and gain perfection.
                                                           Love  is  needed  to  reach

                   •  Love                           spirituality and grow it. If love
               Perhaps  the  most  important         enters human life, human spirituality

               part  of  Chopra’s  spiritual         will grow like a tree:
               perfection  is  the  perfection             “The most valuable thing
               through  love.  He  is  trying  to          that anyone can bring to
               bring spirituality to human life            a  human  relationship  is
               along  with  meditation  and                his latent spiritual energy.
               contemplation and reduce mental             This is the thing that you
               and psychological problems:                 have  to  present  in  the

                     “Undoubtedly, in every human
                     (mutual) relationship, the            deepest way at the beginning
                     common needs of the soul              of  your  life  with  a  love
                     have a special place. The             story.  Just as a tree’s life
                     main problem arises when              begins  with  a  seed,  we
                     these  needs  prevent  the            also need a seed to grow

                     delicate growth of love in            and train love that is our
                     its  spiritual  aspect.  Long         latent  spiritual  energy”.
                     before we fall in love, we            (Ibid: 42)
                     know  our  needs  amply.           Chopra  believes  that  the
                     Finding  a  way  to  satisfy    development of spiritual energy
                     them  does  not  exactly
                     mean getting rid of them.       is not only said by him but is
                     Only  love  can  make  us       the  main  concern  of  all  high-

                     free  because  the  truth  of   minded,  wise,  and  great  men
                                                     in human history. (Ibid: 42)
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