Page 52 - Pure Life 29
P. 52
A Critical Approach to Human … H.A. Islaminasab et al / (51
Ways of Spiritual Perfection is called God’s answer, and
1. Ways of Spiritual Perfection this answer determines the
according to Chopra species of God and the stage in
which the questioner is. The
• Knowing of God god of each stage is different:
One of the things that Chopra ➢ God of protection
talks about in spiritual perfection ➢ Almighty god
is the human moving in the ➢ God of peace and calmness
seven stages of knowledge of ➢ God of freedom
God. The process of knowledge ➢ Creator god
of God by the human brain ➢ God of miracles
occurs in seven stages. Each ➢ God of pure existence.
stage is designed according to (Chopra, 2005a: 70)
human questions and perceptions.
Chopra’s god is an impersonal He then points to the end of
god whom the human brain the seven stages and says that
raises questions about him, perhaps reality is only a symbol
and the same brain also of the functioning of God’s
presents its perceptions in mind. (Ibid: 80)
response to human questions
and needs. At each stage, the • Getting out of Life Roles
human achieves a god according Chopra has devoted two
to the questions raised at that important books, “Elixir” and
stage. The questions are: Who “The Seven Spiritual Laws to
am I? Where is my proper Success”, to the subject of
position? The human mind answers spirituality. To explain spiritual
each of these questions, which perfection and evolution, Chopra
from Chopra’s point of view,