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               56  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (29): 39-71, Winter 2022

                   2.  Ways of Spiritual Perfection   attain  annihilation  in  God.
                      according to Mulla Sadra       (Sadr ul-Din Shirazi, 1981, Vol. 2: 2)
               The Almighty God in the Holy
               Quran has introduced the human            •  The Perfection of Theoretical
               as an unstable and fluid being        Sadra  divides  human  reason
               who is moving towards ultimate        into two types, theoretical and
               perfection.                           practical, and in each case, he
                      “O  human,  you  are           presents  tools  for  spiritual
                      working  hard  towards         perfection.  In  the  case  of
                      your Lord, and you will        theoretical reason, he expresses
                      meet Him.” (Quran, 84: 6)
                                                     the  union  of  the  wise  and  the

                  Mulla Sadra also believes in       reasonable  for  the  knowledge
               human fluidity and thinks that        perfection  of  the  human  soul.
               perfection is directly related to     In  this  way,  the  reasonable
               existence  in  a  way  that  each     forms in the human soul cause
               existence has fewer existentially     the  soul  to  grow  and  improve

               limits  and  defects  is  more        from  the  stage  of  potential
               perfect and happy. (Sadr ul-Din       intellect  to  the  level  of  actual
               Shirazi, 1981, Vol. 9: 121)           intellect. (Ibid: 319-321)
                                                        As a result, the human soul
                   •  Knowledge and Righteous        moves from the sensible world
                      Deed                           to the reasonable one due to a
               Mulla Sadra considers the end         substantial, intensive motion and
               of perfection as annihilation in      enters the world of reasonable
               God  and  introduces  the  two        with reasoning, and at the time
               factors of knowledge and righteous    of  observation,  the  luminous

               deed as the way to achieve and
                                                     essences of the reasonable world
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