Page 76 - Pure Life 29
P. 76

Functions of Custom Law in … H. Andalib / (75

               and  a  clear  picture  of  their        The word known has one of
               functions must be provided.           two meanings in all applications
                                                     of the Quran:
               Common law (Custom)                       •  Good  and  righteous

               Different  meanings  have  been              thing,  including  actions
               expressed  for  common  law:                 and  omissions,  speech,
               subordination,  connection  and              deeds  and  thoughts.
               succession,  (Haeri  Isfahani,               (Ref:      Quran,       2:
               2013:  343)  peace,  calmness,               178&229&231&235&263;
               and  stillness,  knowledge  and              Quran, 3: 104&110&114;
               cognition, known and common                  Quran, 4: 8&35; Quran,

               among  people,  an  acceptable               7:   157;    Quran,     9:
               act  from  the  point  of  view  of          67&71&112)
               intellect or Shari'a, (Haeri Isfahani,    •  conventional and common.
               2013: 343; Ibn Manzur, 1985:                 (Ref:      Quran,       2:
               238-239)  custom  and  habit,  a             233&236&241; Quran, 4:
               name for confession, and phrase.             6&25)

                  In the Holy Quran, the word
               common law is used twice and              The  Quranic  meaning  of
               known  is  used  thirty-two           “common  law”  and  “known”
               times. In the first usage,  (Ref:     is  often  valuable,  moral,  and
               Quran,  7:  99)  common  law          corrective, and although in the
               means known, good deeds and           word, it was not seen until the
               words; (Tousi, 2011: 512) and         time  of  Ibn  Athir  that  such

               in  the  second  usage,  (Ref:        these meanings are considered
               Quran, 77: 1) it means goodness       for  these  two  words  and
               or subordination and succession.      immoral  and  anti-correction
                                                     for “sin”; but such a thing has
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