Page 94 - Pure Life 29
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Functions of Custom Law in … H. Andalib / (93

               have proved the option of loss;       of the option”. (Tabatabaei Yazdi,
               but  neither  of  these  two          2007: 512-527)
               reasons  can  prove  the  option         He  considered  the  Ertekaz
               of loss, therefore, some jurists      in option of loss similar to the
               have proved the option of loss        Ertekaz  in  option  of  fault  and
               by referring to Ertekaz.              also  wrote,  “The  imposing

                  Mohaqeq Naeini (1994) and          condition of equality in exchange
               Ayatollah  Khansari  (1985)           contracts is not in the form of
               considered  Ertekaz  as  an           a  restriction,  the  violation  of
               implicit  condition  in  the          which  causes  the  invalidity  of
               transaction  and  interpreted  it     the contract, nor in the form of
               as of the complete evidence to        a  claimant  and  motive,  the

               prove the option of loss.             violation  of  which  has  no
                  The  base  of  option  of  loss,   executive  guarantee;  but  is  an
               according to Tabatabaei Yazdi         implicit  condition  of  Ertekaz.
               (2008) is Ertekaz of transactors.     What  the  jurists  have  said  in
               He  wrote,  “The  Ertekazi  will      the  option  of  defect  is  the
               of the parties to the contract is     description  of  the  validity  of
               based  on  the  fact  that  there     the  implicit  condition  of

               must be a balance in financial        Ertekaz,  and  those  who  trade
               value between the parties, and        on  the  basis  that  they  receive
               this,  although  not  specified  in   the goods without defects”.
               the  contract,  is  a  condition
               authorized  in  the  text  of  the        4.  Option    of    Delayed
               contract  and  violation  of  it  is         Payment

               considered as a violation of the      Ertekaz rule can be considered
               condition that causes the proof       as  one  of  the  principles  of
                                                     proof in the option of delayed
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