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               94  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (29): 73-102, Winter 2022

               payment.  Option  of  delayed         payment  of  the  price  and  the
               payment  means  that  “if  the        non-impediment to payment is
               seller  does  not  pay  the           an  Ertekazi  condition  for  the
               something sold to the customer        sale of the seller.
               and does not receive the price           Also,  delivering  the  goods

               and  the  condition  of  delay  of    for sale and not preventing its
               the price is not met, the sale is     delivery    is    an    Ertekazi
               necessary for up to three days.       condition  for  the  customer's
               Therefore, whenever the customer      purchase. That is, both the seller
               brings  the  price  during  this      and  the  customer  consider  the
               period, he can take it from the       delivery  of  the  price  or  the

               seller, otherwise the seller can      goods for sale on the other side
               both  cancel  the  sale  without      as  an  integral  part  of  the
               the  need  to  go  to  a  judge  or   transaction. (Tabrizi, 1995: 238)
               keep  the  sale  and  demand  the        It  means  that  after  the
               price  from  the  customer”.          contract,  if  the  seller  makes  a
               (Hosseini Ameli, 1998: 244)           contract  with  the  goods  for
                  Some     jurists,   such    as     sale  and  the  customer  refuses
               Ayatollah Mirza Javad Tabrizi         to pay the price, the seller has

               (1995)  considered  Ertekaz  as       the  right  to  terminate  the
               the  basis  of  the  option  of       transaction;  because  payment
               delayed  payment  and  wrote,         of  the  price  and  non-refusing
               “When  the  goods  for  sale  are     by the customer is an Ertekazi
               delivered  immediately  after         condition  for  the  sale  of  the
               the  contract  but  the  customer     seller, and also the contract of

               refuses  to  pay  the  price,  the    the  seller  and  non-refusing  by
               seller has the right to terminate     the seller is an Ertekazi condition
               the  transaction  because  the        for the customer's purchase.
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