Page 90 - Pure Life 29
P. 90

Functions of Custom Law in … H. Andalib / (89

               are  common  in  his  time  and       base  for  the  implementing  the
               place; but also has opened the        law and reason.
               way  for  the  acceptance  of            This function creates obligations
               customs  in  later  times  and        for  profit  or  loss.  Due  to  the
               other places.                         role of custom in many cases,
                  On  this  basis,  we  do  not      it  prevents  us  from  expanding

               need  to  provide  evidence  and      the discussion; but in order to
               examples  about  the  presence        be  familiar  with  this  function,
               of  custom  in  this  field.  One     we  will  give  examples  of  it
               can refer to the books of jurists     through the jurists’ words.
               to    see    many      examples.
               (Musavi Khomeini, 1993: 91)              For example, Imam Khomeini
                                                     in  following  the  land  and  air
                   7.  Making custom subjective      regarding  personal  property
                      and  de-subjective  for        commented as follows:
                      implementing           the            Using  land  and  air
                      documents and rulings                 compared      with     the
                      and not implementing them             personal  property  is

               Other cases in which custom is               within  the  customary
               used  are  subject-making  for               needs.  For  example,  if
               evidences and religious documents            someone  digs  a  canal
               and  implementing  the  Islamic              outside a personal home
               laws that the evidences can be               or land or endowed one
               expressed  by  them;  also,                  and  passes  through  or
               sometimes  the  subject  of  a               takes  possession  of  the

               reason  or  a  law  disappears               basement, the owners or
               through custom and there is no               custodians cannot make
                                                            a  claim.  If  someone
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