Page 102 - Pure Life 30
P. 102

Philosophy of Pilgrimage of … H-S Nateghi and S.S. Shah Naqavi (101

               of  the  pilgrim's  intellect  and            themselves  about  their
               instinct based on this  natural               affair  and  said:  Erect
               state that is hidden from him .               an  edifice  over  them-

                  It places the manifestations               their  Lord  best  knows
               of divine mercy as intercessors               them. Those who prevailed
               and means in the court of God .               in their affair said: We
                  The  pilgrim's  real  request              will  certainly  raise  a
               is    from    the    Almighty.                masjid  over  them” .
               Therefore, there is no rational               (Quran, 18: 21)

               or  narrative  prohibition  on
               placing  the  Shafi'i  close  to          It  turns  out  that  after  the
               God  and  the  saints;  but            death  of  the  Companions  of
               according to the Quranic verse,        the  Cave,  people  came  to
               the believers are instructed to        visit   those     graves    and
               refrain from opposing God, O           therefore built a building and
               you  who  believe,  and  seek  a       a  mosque.  And  God  has  not

               means  of  approaching  Him            forbidden  such  an  act  after
               and  Ijtihad  in  His  way.  May       this  story.  He  even  endorsed
               you be saved ?                         them     with     the   phrase.
                      “And thus did We make           (Tabatabai, 2009)
                      (men) to get knowledge             Also,  these  verses  of  the
                      of them that they might         Quran indicate the legitimacy

                      know that Allah's promise       of the construction of mosques
                      is true and that as for         and holy places on the graves
                      the  hour  there  is  no        of  the  elders,  otherwise,  the
                      doubt  about  it.  When         verses would have referred to
                      they  disputed  among           the  source  of  the  Shari'a's
                                                      suffering .
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