Page 106 - Pure Life 30
P. 106

Philosophy of Pilgrimage of … H-S Nateghi and S.S. Shah Naqavi (105

               the believers after their death;       the great authority of prophecy
               as they said:                          orders it to all believers, and
                      “Anyone who visits my           in the case of one's person, if

                      grave  after  my  death         he  is  unable  to  do  so,  by
                      seems to have migrated          accepting the believer's greeting,
                      to  me  while  I  was           he  is  proud to  introduce  him
                      alive.  So,  if  you  can't     to  his  pilgrimage  that  it's
                      visit  my  grave,  send         Including his religion.
                      greetings  to  me  from            After the death of the Holy

                      afar,  this  will  surely       Prophet  of  Islam,  Hazrat
                      come  to  me”.  (Tusi,          Fatemeh  Zahra  did  not  leave
                      1985, Vol. 6)                   her  father's  grave  and  cried
                                                      with her until she died.
                  Also he said:                          Imam Ali and other Imams
                      If a person's pilgrimage        in  any  case  considered  the

                      me  after  death,  is  like     pilgrimage to the grave of the
                      that  pilgrimage  me  in        Holy  Prophet  as  superior  to
                      my life. (Muttaqi Hindi,        other  matters  and  persevered
                                                      in it .
                  In  the  book  Sharif  Kafi,           Each of the Imams, especially

               the late Kulayni narrates from         whenever  they  wanted  to
               the Holy Prophet that he said:         leave Medina first visited the
                      “Pilgrimage is necessary        grave  of  the  Messenger  of
                      for religion”. (Kulayni, 1987)   God. When Imam Husain was
                                                      forced  to  leave  Medina  for
                  Therefore, the practical value      Mecca  due  to  the  threat  of

               of  this  pilgrimage  is  to  visit    Yazid,  in  the  last  days  he
               and meet it in such a way that
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