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               98  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (30): 91-117, Spring 2022

                  The  pilgrimage  to  the            dignitaries or at their graves,
               graves, including the infallible       or visiting a sacred or revered
               and others, will take place at         place to express devotion and
               their  burial  place  to  honor        gain spiritual grace, or to pay
               them and greet them.                   homage.  Pilgrimage  has  two
                  Besides,  the  pilgrimage  of       sides, one side of which is the
               the  infallible  from  afar  and       believer.
               also  the  pilgrimage  of  Imam           On  the  other  hand,  a
               ZamanAjal  Allah  Almighty             person  doesn't  need  to  be  a

               Farjah has been referred to by         human  being,  and  therefore,
               paying attention and greeting          visiting  the  Kaaba  is  also
               him. The pilgrim of “Zayer”,           called a pilgrimage. Also, one
               the  pilgrim  of  “Mazur”  and         does not have to be a pilgrim
               the pilgrimage as well as the          to live in the world.
               place  and  place  of  burial  of
               Mazur  is  a  “Mazar”;  as  the        History of Pilgrimage

               words that the infallible visit,       Pilgrimage is a long-standing
               such as the pilgrimage of the          and common pilgrimage among
               great community and Ashura,            different  ethnic  groups  and
               are referred to as “pilgrimage”.       has  existed  in  all  religions
                  Terminologically, The word          and  sects.  It's  just  that  the
               pilgrimage  is  the  Arabic            shape  and  the  place  and  the

               “pilgrimage” which is derived          people are different.
               from the root “z” and “r”.                Although the pilgrimage to
                  A pilgrimage is a religious         Islam is fundamentally different
               act  of  worship  that  means          from the Buddhists, Zoroastrians,
               attending religious leaders or         and  Christians  in  terms  of
                                                      content  and  method,  because
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