Page 189 - Pure Life 30
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                 188  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (30): 175-202, Spring 2022

                          Role in                          (1996)
                 76     Establishing   Pakistani Military Support for the Purpose of Using the
                        the Taliban    Material and Weapons Support of the West to Pakistan
                                                  (Ref: Farahani, 2011: 267)
                       Promoting the   The Publication of a Book with the Content of Insulting the Religion
                 77    Book of The   of Islam, the Holy Quran and the Holy Prophet by Penguin
                          Satanic    Publications of England and the Payment of about 1.5 Million
                          Verses     Marks as an Prepayment from the Publisher to the Author,
                                      according to the quote of German Magazine Der Spiegel
                                      NATO Military Operation against Yugoslavia During the
                 78     Bombing of
                        Yugoslavia   Kosovo War with the Victims more than Thousand People
                                         Result: The Secession of Kosovo from Yugoslavia
                       Crimes in Abu                    (2001-So far)
                 79     Ghraib and   Use of All Kinds of Torture and Misconduct in Abu Ghraib (Baghdad),
                       Guantanamo    Guantanamo Bay (Southeastern Cuba) and Afghanistan Prisons
                                     The Beginning of the War Under the Pretext of Attacking the
                       America War   Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, The Pentagon Building
                 80         in       and a Building in Pennsylvania on Event of September 11,
                       Afghanistan     2001 with the Victims more than 70 Thousand People
                                      Result: The Fall of the Taliban and the Grounding for the
                                       Continuation of the America Presence in Afghanistan
                         Operation                         (2002)
                 81      Defensive   The Zionist Entity Invasion on the Palestinians in the Jenin
                          Shield       Refugees Camp with the Victims of about 100 People
                        Invasion of   The Beginning of the War Under the Pretext of Destroying
                           Iraq       Weapon of Mass Destruction and Saddam's Connection to
                 82      (Second       Al-Qaeda under the Policy of the New Century Project
                       Persian Gulf      with the Victims more than 100 Thousand People
                           War)        Result: The Fall of Saddam and The Grounding for the
                                          Continuation of the America Presence in Iraq
                 83     Blackwater   The Massacre of the Iraq People by the American Military Company
                                     Blackwater (Academy) under the Pretext of Ensuring Security in Iraq
                          Second                           (2006)
                 84    Lebanon War    Zionists Invasion on Qana Village in Southern Lebanon

           1 . A Suspicious Incident with Responsible al-Qaeda Group that has Many Ambiguities
           and Evidence Shows that these Cases, cannot be without the Knowledge of the America
           Government. For Example, Assumption of Surprise or Lack of Information of the Central
           Intelligence Agency (CIA) about the Hijacking of Four Airplanes, Hijacked Airplanes Enter
           into three States (New York, Virginia and Pennsylvania) without Security System Warning,
           Aiming Airplanes at Protected Towers and the Presence of Nanothermites (Explosives)
           in the Towers. Also, how did the Thousands People of Jews who were Located in these
           Buildings, Were Able to Save their Lives?
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