Page 193 - Pure Life 30
P. 193
192 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (30): 175-202, Spring 2022
Vincent and the Grenadines as a Blacklist for Individuals and
Commonwealth Realm) Organizations and Countries
and Depriving them of their
5. Racism and Human Rights Citizenship Rights, Domination
Violations (Classification of of International Legal and
Countries into the First Political Institutions Especially
World to Third World, the United Nations with
Suppression of the Protest Domination of the Security
Movement and 99 Percent of Council and the World Bank
Wall Street, State Terrorism and the International Monetary
and Support of the Zionist Fund, System of Slavery and
Entity and Monarchies Systems, Sexual Slavery; Especially after
Use of Trojan Horse Malware the Industrial Revolution in
with the Aim of Misleading the Form of Sex Trade and
Users and Infiltrating the Sexual Communism, Racial
Privacy of Individuals, Homosexuality, Human Trafficking
Organizations and Countries, and Organ Sales, Human and
Blocking Twitter and Facebook Cultural Genocide; Especially
and Instagram and Other in Iraq, Canada, Belgium,
Social Networks in the Face France, England, Netherlands,
of Your Opponents, Creating
Spain, Portugal, Italy and
Ethiopia, The Refugees Crisis
1. In the words of Pope Francis in the English Channel,
(The Head of the Catholic Church):
We are racists... and that's bad. Massacre of Muslims in New
racism is behind the fact that many Zealand, Supporting the Mass
Western countries have been more Executions in Saudi Arabia,
welcoming to Ukrainian refugees
than to those from other parts of the Role in Apartheid of South
world. (Pope Francis, 2022)