Page 194 - Pure Life 30
P. 194
Chronicle of the Hundred Historical Events in … M.Sh. Badra / (193
Africa, Narcotic Mafia and 7. Pursue Sanctions Policies
Gangster, Suppression of Religious in the Face of Opponents
Freedoms and Dissident to (Levitation of Russia's
Hijab and Privacy in Male-Female Membership in the Group of
Relations, Second-Rate Look Eight “G8”, Opposition to
at Women and Instrumental Turkey's Accession to the
Abuse; Including the Sex European Union, Food and
Scandal of Bill Clinton Medicine Sanctions, Prohibition
(Former America President) of Cultivation by Farmers or
with Monica Lewinsky, Bentham Pouring of Surplus Agricultural
Panopticon Prison Plan, Products into the Sea to Dumping
Discriminatory Behavior; Including and Prevent Falling Prices)
Political Interference in Sport
to Support Sports Federations 8. Attempts to Create Opposition
in Countries that Support the Currents in the Path of
Massacre of Yemenis, Afghans, Religionphobia, Islamophobia,
Syrians and Iraqis, and Shiaophobia and Iranophobia
Conversely, Sanctions on Sports (Saudi-Hanbali Link, Babism,
Federations in Countries that Bahaism, Baath Party,
Support the Wars in Russia Wahhabism, Al-Qaeda, Harakat
and Ukraine) al-Shabaab, ISIS, Boko Haram,
Al-Nusra Front, Jaish Al-Fat'h,
6. American and Other Allied Ahrar al-Sham, Jund al-Aqsa,
Soldiers Rape more than 500 PJAK, Jundallah, Komala,
Thousand German Women, Deravish Cult)
Men and Children, after World
War II. (Ref: Gebhardt, 2017( 9. Deviance of the Currents
so-called Islamic Awakening