Page 200 - Pure Life 30
P. 200

Chronicle of the Hundred Historical Events in … M.Sh. Badra / (199

               Conclusion                             humans life and human societies,
               The  situation  depicted  in  the      which  directly  affects  the

               contemporary  West  and  its           meaning  and  identity  of
               function  in  humans  life  and        humans  life  and  society  and
               human  societies,  shows  the          leads  to  alienation  or  in  the
               need  to  leave  this  circle  in      words of Master Motahari, is
               order  to  maintain  practical         interpreted as “with alienation”.
               dignity and freedom of humans          (Ref: Motahari, 2020: 70)

               and  societies,  to  perform              This  performance  is  the
               practical and thoughtful tasks .       opposite of the pattern of the
                  Accordingly,  the  creation         governing  system  of  the
               and culmination of the Great           Islamic Republic of Iran, which
               Islamic Revolution, which was          seeks  to  maximize  goodness
               accompanied by the language            and happiness for all humans
               of  dignity  and  the  literature      and human societies, and this

               of  the  resistance,  shows  the       claim    has    been     proven
               contradiction with the system          throughout its history.
               that governs the contemporary
               era  and  the  hegemony  that
               governs  it.  In  contrast,  the
               domination      system    holds

               Machiavellian  ideas  with  the
               logic: “the end justifies the means” .
                  The  result  of  observing
               hundred  historical  events  of
               the West in the contemporary
               era indicates a harmful  role in
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