Page 196 - Pure Life 30
P. 196

Chronicle of the Hundred Historical Events in … M.Sh. Badra / (195

               Kazemi  Ashtiani,  Massoud             Especially  with  Blacks  and
               Ali-Mohammadi, Majid Shahriari,        the  Support  of  the  Central
               Mostafa  Ahmadi  Roshan,               Government  in  the  Form  of

               Dariush Rezaeinejad, Qassim            Competency  Immunity;  For
               Soleimani, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh          Example:  The  Brutal Murder
               Mahabadi, Nader Talebzadeh,            of  George  Floyd  by  the
               Hassan      Sayad     Khodaei,         Police in 2020; From 1980 to
               Shereen Abu-Aqleh and etc)             2018, more than 30  Thousand
                                                      People have Victims by Police
               11.  Establishment  of  about          Violence  in  the  America,
               1,000  America  and  NATO              according  to  a  2021  Article
               Military  Bases  and  Stations         Published  in  “The  Lancet”.
               in  more  than  140  Countries         (Ref:  GBD  2019  Police
               (Okinawa  Island  or  other            Violence     US    Subnational
               Japanese Provinces, The Formation      Collaborators, 2021)

               of    the    Organization     of
               American  States  in  Year             A Brief Comparison between
               1948  with  35  Members  and           the Important Revolutions
               the    Presentation    of    the       of  Contemporary  History
               Strategic  Defense  Initiative         with  an  Emphasis  on  the
               Plan called Star Wars)                 Great  Islamic  Revolution

               12.  Lack  of  Support  for            of Iran
               Dictators  Appointed  after            In  contrast,  it  is  the  divine
               Fleeing the  Country or Facing         thinking of the Great Islamic
               a Crisis                               Revolution  that  seeks  to
                                                      enlighten and paradise human
               13.  The  Inhumane  Behavior           beings  and  the  progress  of
               of  the  American  Police,
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