Page 199 - Pure Life 30
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               198  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (30): 175-202, Spring 2022

                  The  key  to  the  success  of         Thus,  according  to  the
               the  Iranian  revolution  in  the      English  thinker,  Peter  Alan
               contemporary  world,  is  its          Oborne:
               due  to  trust  on  God,  its                 The  West,  needs  to
               reliance  on  the  teachings  of              rethink its relations with
               Islam,  its  being  popular  and              Islam.  Recent  western
               its    belief    in    Peaceful               analysis has been beset
               coexistence,  which  creates                  by intellectual and moral

               the logic of resistance, and in               error.  The  intellectual
               the words of one of the planners              error has been to think
               of sanctions in the America :                 about Islam in terms of
                      A country with autarky-                the  Cold  War.  The
                      political and economic                 moral  error  has  been
                      self-sufficiency - may be              to  suppose  that  the
                      economically weak; But                 West is engaged in an

                      in  terms  of  repelling               existential  conflict  with
                      external pressures, it has             Islam  or  Islamism;  as
                      high  power.  (Nephew,                 it had been against the
                      2017: 46)                              Soviet Union. The strategy
                                                             was  wrong  in  itself.
                  This is where the meaning                  (Oborne, 2022)
               of  George  Bernard  Shaw
               word it turns out that:
                      I predict that tomorrow’s
                      Europe  will  embrace
                      Islam. (Shaw, 1936)
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