Page 34 - Pure Life 30
P. 34

Analyzing the Viewpoint of Compatibility… H. Rezania Shirazi / (33

               beginning  of  universe  and              Questions  and  mysteries
               different ideas in this regard.        which have always been with
               It is the knowledge of physics         human  like  why  does  the

               which  can  be  proud  of  itself      world  exist?  Or  if  not,  why
               for  gathering  all  discoveries       does  not  it  exist?  And  why
               and  researches  and  put  them        are  there  such  circumstances
               together to get a result and all       for  humans’  life?  If  we
               natural scientists are bound to        wanted  to  know  what  the
               accept it.                             cosmos  and  life  is  all  about,

                  Therefore,  based  on  the          we  should  first  learn  how
               above and available undisputed         they were created.
               results  which  have  been                We  should  consider  the
               reached  so  far,  we  can  be         entire history of universe and
               assured    that    it   is   not       not  only  that  part  which  is
               impossible  to  obtain  the            related to the human; the real
               secret  of  universe  and  reveal      history  of  the  universe  not

               the  facts,  how?  With  finding       only  the  history  of  mankind;
               a  theory  which  includes             the  history  which  has  passed
               everything  for  all  natural          about 13.7 billion years since
               powers, for anything that can          the  big-bang  phenomena.
               be put into a single formula, a        The model of universe which
               formula  which  can  solve  the        was presented by Copernicus

               deepest  mysteries  of  our            (1473-1543)  and  was  totally
               cosmos  and  recognize  the            theoretical  was  modified  and
               relations between the phenomenon       corrected by Johannes Kepler
               by getting help from physics.          (1571-1630).
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