Page 32 - Pure Life 30
P. 32

Analyzing the Viewpoint of Compatibility… H. Rezania Shirazi / (31

                  Also  Ted  Peters,  the                Hans  Kung  says  in  the
               systematic theology professor          introduction of his book:
               and researcher of science and                 This  book  tries  to

               religion says about this book:                choose the best way to
                      Hans  Kung  as  an                     illustrate    the   path
                      energetic, active, and off             which scientific findings
                      course curious professor               in  physics,  biology,
                      in this book in different              and cosmology tells us
                      mysterious  areas  such                about the beginning of

                      as Big Bang Cosmology                  the world and beginning
                      theory  shows  us  how                 of human life which is
                      science created questions              totally  different  than
                      which  itself  is  not                 what  our  religious
                      capable  of  answering                 books  tells  us;  while
                      them.                                  no  attention  has  been
                      The  answer  to  these                 paid to the theological

                      questions is God.  God                 thoughts  but  it  should
                      is  the  answer  to  the               be  noted  that  logical
                      intellect,   which     is              honesty  is  far  more
                      based  on  faith  and                  important  than  blind
                      believes.                              coexistence of theology
                      Kung’s book is a clear                 and science. (Kung, 2008)

                      and  thoughtful  answer
                      which  is  given  to  the          In  recent  decades,  it  is
                      field  of  research  if         very  difficult  to  research  on
                      science and religion.           topics  such  as  cosmology,
                                                      biology, sociology, etc... since
                                                      they have been so wide spread.
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