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               34  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (30): 27-50, Spring 2022
                  Kepler who finished Protestant         Galileo  knew  that  his
               religion in Tubingen, Germany,         discoveries  were  against  the
               turned  to  the  subjects  of          church point of views, but for
               mathematics,      stars,    and        him,  his  book  of  life  was  as
               cosmology  very  soon,  he             important  to  him  as  the  holy
               discovered  that  the  orbits  of      book was.
               planets  are  oval  and  not              He described his viewpoint
               circular.  Three laws of Kepler        about the relation between the
               related  to  the  motion  of           holy book and understanding

               planets became bases for new           of  the  universe  in  a  letter
               astronomy science in 1609.             which was sent to Pop in 1613:
                  At  the  same  time,   the                 If   there    are    any

               newest  model  of  universe                   discrepancies  between
               which  dominated  traditional                 my discoveries and the
               believes  was  introduced  by                 holy book, then we are
               Italian  mathematician  and                   forced  to  revise  and

               physician,  Galileo  Galilei                  explain  the  holy  book.
               (1564-1642),  he  managed  to                 (Ref: Moss, 1983)
               observe  the  planet  Venus,
               four  moons  of  Jupiter,  and            George Denzler, a historian
               many  other  things  by  his           of the Catholic church in his
               telescope and registered them          book  “There  is  no  end  to

               with  his  name  and  now  it  is      Galileo case”, says:
               being  used  as  the  basis  for              According  to  what  we
               many related research works.                  have  available  from
                                                             discoveries of Galileo,
                                                             there  is  no  doubt  that
                                                             in  year  1633,  church
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