Page 53 - Pure Life 30
P. 53
52 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (30): 51-89, Spring 2022
Introduction the role of such non-factual
It is true that that the problem language and its propositions?
of religious language has been Theologically, one of the
mainly viewed as a theological most important problems of
and a philosophical one; However, religious language is providing
regarding its linguistic nature a proper explanation of the
it can be considered as a literary nature of propositions describing
issue too. Hence, it can be said God and His attributes.
that religious language is a According to the doctrines of
common topic of philosophy, Abrahamic religions, God’s
theology, and literature. properties are significantly
Philosophically, perhaps the different from those of human’s;
most important issue about He is omniscient, omnipotent,
religious language is the problem omnibenevolent, absolutely simple,
of “meaning and reference”. timeless, immutable, impassible,
The basic question here is and such alike. That is, there
whether religious language is is no divine composition, and
meaningful and referential? all of God’s properties are
Hence, the basic question is: identical with his being or
can religious language be nature. (Ref: Wainwright, 2013)
semantically descriptive and Now the question that
epistemically cognitive? If yes, remains is: how can phrases
how, and if not, i.e., if religious and propositions, which are
propositions are not and cannot usually used to describe
be true descriptions of the humans and finite creatures,
world, then, what would be be used properly to describe
God and His attributes and actions?