Page 57 - Pure Life 30
P. 57
56 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (30): 51-89, Spring 2022
1. According to the first cognitively significant. That
group, influenced by the is, they convey information
early Wittgenstein (1961) about the world, and can,
and particularly by the therefore, be empirically verified
logical positivists of or falsified. In fact, according
the Vienna Circle to this view, some religious
(Schlick, 1996: 41), the propositions are factually true
principle of empirical description of the world. For
verifiability is the example, the statement “Jesus
criterion of meaningfulness. is the son of God” conveys
information about Jesus and
That is, a statement is factually is also true.
meaningful if it is empirically The second view, however,
verifiable (theoretically and or rejects this character of
practically). Hence, all religious religious language.
and all metaphysical propositions The first view of the above
are cognitively meaningless; division is itself divided into
since they are not empirically three groups:
A. The same words and
2. The second group who phrases in everyday
believe that religious language and religious
propositions are meaningful, language have identical
is itself divided into meanings.
two subgroups: In other words, the same
According to the first one, words are applied univocally
religious propositions are not in both languages; that is,
only meaningful, but also
religious language is univocal.