Page 68 - Pure Life 30
P. 68

The Nature of Religious Language… M. Mousavi Karimi and H. Tehrani Haeri / (67

               Religious  Language  as  a                    he  not  been  among
               Symbolic Language                             those  who  glorify.  He

                   ➢  Thy  Jonah  has  been                  would  have  tarried  in
                      cooked  in  the  fish’s                its  belly  till  the  Day
                      belly: for his deliverance             they  are  resurrected.”
                      there  is  no  means  but              (Quran, 37: 142-144)
                      glorification  of  God.            Similar verses can be found

                      (Rumi, 2013, 3135, Vol. 2)      in the “Bible”:
                   ➢  He  had  not  glorified                “Now  the  Lord  had
                      (God),  the  fish’s  belly             prepared  a  great  fish
                      would  have  been  his                 to  swallow  up  Jonah.
                      jail  and  prison  until               And  Jonah  was  in  the
                      they  shall  be  raised                belly  of  the  fish  three
                      (from the dead). (Ibid,                days and three nights”.

                      3136, Vol. 2)                          (Bible, The Old Testament,
                   ➢  Through  glorification                 Jonah: 17)
                      he  escaped  from  the
                      body of the fish. What             In  the  next  poem,  Rumi
                      is  glorification?  The         sees the three elements of the
                      sign (and token) of the         verses,  i.e.,  sea,  fish,  and

                      Day  of  Alast.  (Ibid,         Jonah  as  the  symbols  of
                      3137, Vol. 2)                   something else:
                                                             This  world  is  a  sea,
                  These poems refer to some                  and  the  body  a  fish,
               verses of the Quran:                          and  the  spirit  is  the
                      “Then the fish swallowed               Jonah  debarred  from
                      him,    for    he    was
                      blameworthy.    And had
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