Page 94 - Pure Life 30
P. 94

Philosophy of Pilgrimage of … H-S Nateghi and S.S. Shah Naqavi (93

                  But  after  he  came  to            and  the  disregard  for  the
               fruition  as  a  result  of  the       deception of the world .
               teachings  of  Islam  and  the            Although the Messenger of

               explanations  of  the  verses  of      God, after forbidding the pilgrimage
               the  Quran,  the  tree  of             to the graves, ordered it again
               monotheism  and  the  plagues          to remind him of the Hereafter,
               of  polytheism,  Ma'mun  and           this  was  so  pervasive  in
               strengthened  in  his  abode,          Muslims that Muslims considered
               then  he  said:  Be  aware,  visit     themselves  forbidden  from

               these  graves  that  remind  the       visiting graves.
               Hereafter and Except for that.            But  since  it  is  as  if  the

               In  other   words,  visit  the         spirit  of  idolatry,  including
               graves, which are reminiscent          moralism,  is  so  mixed  in
               of  death  and  confirm  on.           human  nature  that  it  is
               (Qushayri Naisaburi, 2017)             difficult  to  remove  it,  and
                  This  is  the  matter  of  the      continual  austerity  requires

               next  dimension,  which  the           that  the  spirit  of  pure
               fundamentalists have considered        monotheism  penetrate  it;  as
               to  be  the  main  principles  of      the  transcendent  burden  of
               jurisprudence.  Therefore,  the        this statement states:
               benefit  that  comes  from  the               “And  most  of  them  do
               pilgrimage of the dead to the                 not  believe  in  Allah

               living  is  the  remembrance                  without      associating
               and thought of the Hereafter,                 others  (with  Him)”.
               and  the  preparation  of  the                (Quran, 12: 106)
               offspring for the Resurrection,
                                                         except  in  the  state  of
                                                      polytheism, (Ref: Quran, 12: 106)
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