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               94  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (30): 91-117, Spring 2022
               and  it  is  clear  to  them  that     beliefs  of  other  nations,
               even  many  of  those  who             popularized the deadly market,
               profess  faith  are  not  safe         although dozens of narrations

               from it                                from  the  Prophet  and  the
                  This  is  when  we  see  that       Imams  erred  in  forbidding
               after  the  death  of  the             repairs and repairs and rebuilding
               Messenger  of  God,  and  the          graves and building domes .
               intermingling of Muslims with             According to many hadiths,
               nations  such  as  Egypt  and          in  the  last  Hours  of  his

               Iran, who paid special attention       honorable life, the Messenger
               to their dead and built tombs          of  God,  by  supplicating  and
               and tombs on their graves to           praying  to  God,  demanded
               promote the spirit of moralism         that:  (Ref:  Ibn  Kathir,  1977,
               among Muslims .                        Vol. 14: 53-54)
                  That is less than a hundred                God  forbid  that  the
               years, especially after the mixing            grave be buried, except

               of Muslims with Iranians and                  for the worshiper. God
               Egyptians, who were prominent                 did not make my grave
               and  distinguished  in  mortals,              an idol to be worshipped ,
               and  the  tombs  of  kings  and               because he was familiar
               pharaohs  in  these  lands  are               with the spirit of dead
               the most witness to the spirit                worship .

               of moralism in these nations .
                  The  same  superstitious               They  may  soon  return  to
               beliefs of the pre-Islamic era,        their  previous  ignorance  and
               in the strongest possible terms,       deadliness.
               combined  with  the  deadly               Imam  Ali,  by  keeping  the
                                                      tomb  of  Fatima  and  keeping
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