Page 138 - Pure Life 31
P. 138
Islamic Model of Peaceful Coexistence… MR. Dodhiya and M. Ghanbari (137
defense is permissible and individuals as well as
at times obligatory. The society. A good society is
Quran forbids Muslims from composed of good people.
humiliating those who are There are many Quranic
against their ideology and verses and hadiths which
calls upon its followers to indicate the importance of
respect them even though it ethics. The Holy Quran
is false: mentions:
“Do not insult those they “Let there arise out a
call upon besides Allah, group of people inviting
lest they insult Allah out to all that is good
of hostility and ignorance. enjoining what is right
We made attractive to and forbidding what is
every community their wrong. They are the ones
deeds. Then to their Lord who attained success”.
is their return, and He (Quran, 5: 44)
will inform them of what
they used to do”. The two important points
(Quran, 6: 108) can be highlighted from the
above verse; the first is
4. The Goodness of Good calling others to all that is
Ethics good, and the second is
Islam gives very much enjoining what is right and
emphasis on the importance forbidding what is wrong.
of ethics and its significance Good implies the whole
for the development of Islamic value system, its beliefs,