Page 139 - Pure Life 31
P. 139
138 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 93-144, Summer 2022
ideas, ethical principles, society. A society devoid
and all aspects of life. It of ethical values would
can be inferred from the always be having problems.
above verse that successful Therefore, all scholars and
Muslims are those who philosophers agree on the
firstly strive to be good and importance of ethics consider
secondly, they do not limit ethics as the foundation of
the goodness to themselves every society. The first step
rather they strive to make in establishing a peaceful
society better as well. human society is to
The manifestation of the advocate refined morality.
level of humanity in human It is an absolute necessity
beings can be seen through to ensure the happiness and
their ethics. The higher the goodness of life.
person is the better are his Humanity needs ethics to
ethics. The best of people monitor its relationship with
are those that possess the God, with family, with
best of ethics. The Holy other fellow human beings
Prophet says: in society, as well as the
“Nothing is heavier on other creatures of the
the scale than having a universe. But before all
good character”. (Kulayni, this, the first and foremost
1987) need to have a righteous
approach within their innermost
Ethics are the basic pillar self. To have such a
for a healthy and firm