Page 36 - Pure Life 31
P. 36

Proofs of the Obedience and… Kh. Ahmadi Bighash / (35

               mentioned  here;  however,             sometimes  raised  with  the
               none  of  them  did  review            word  obedience  and  its

               and examine the Quranic and            derivatives.  God  has  used
               traditional (hadith) arguments         this  word  more  than  forty

               of the necessity of obeying            times  in  connection  with
               and forbiddance of disobeying          obedience  to  God  and  the
               the Prophets and the divine            Prophet,  in  some  of  which
               saints  from  the  point  of           the  direct  obedience  to  the

               view  of  Shiite  and  Sunni           Prophets has been suggested,
               commentators.                          such as:
                                                         -  “He  who  obeys  the
               The  Proofs  of  Obligatory               Messenger, obeys Allah”.
               Obedience to the Prophets                 (Quran, 4: 80)
                   1.  Evidence of Quran and
                      Ahadin                             -  “We  sent  not  a
               The  Almighty  Allah  has                 messenger,  but  to  be

               declared  the  necessity  of              obeyed”. (Quran, 4: 64)
               following  the  instructions              In  many  cases,  the
               of  His  Prophets  in  various         obedience  to  Prophets  is
               interpretations  in  the  Holy         mentioned  alongside  the

               Quran  and  has  established           obedience to Allah:
               it  as  a  doctrinal  basis  for          - “Say: ‘Obey Allah and
               Muslims.                                  His  Messenger’:  But  if

                  The necessity of absolute              they  turn  back,  Allah
               obedience       to    all    the          loveth  not  those  who
               commands of the Prophet is                reject Faith”. (Quran, 3: 32)
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