Page 97 - Pure Life 31
P. 97
96 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 93-144, Summer 2022
Worldview Principles - “When your Lord said
Islamic disciplines are to the angels, ‘Indeed I
divided into three sections, am going to set a
theoretical, jurisprudential, viceroy on the earth,’
and ethical. In this part, we they said, ‘Will You set
will discuss the worldview in it someone who will
elements which are in the cause corruption in it
peace model. and shed blood, while
we celebrate Your praise
1. Divine Caliphate for and proclaim Your
Human Beings
The Holy Quran says: sanctity?’ He said, ‘Indeed
- “Certainly, we have I know what you do not
honored the Children of know.” (Quran, 3: 30)
Adam, and carried them In Quranic terminology,
over land and sea, and human beings are the
provided them with all viceroys of God. The
the good things, and verses tell us why man has
preferred them with a been sent to this world,
complete preference over what is the significance of
many of those We have his appointment as the
created”. (Quran, 17: 70) vicegerent of Allah on this
earth, what are the
characteristics and special
features of this viceregency.
Unlike other Quranic stories,