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               98  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 93-144, Summer 2022
               vicegerent were a true copy            an act, “And He taught Adam
               of his predecessor in all the          the names, all of them”.
               characteristics,  traits,  and            The context shows that:
               intrinsic abilities.                      The vicegerent was to get

                  God with all the divine and         the  viceregency  of  Allah;
               uncomprehendable  attributes           he  was  not  to  become  a
               was  creating  a  specie  that         successor  of  any  earthly
               would  be  a  replica  of              creature  that  had  preceded

               Himself;  of  course  in  its          him.  If  Allah  had  wanted
               restricted human dimension,            the man to take the place of
               the dilemma was, how can               that  previous  creature,  the

               God,  the  sublime,  the               reply,  “And  He  taught
               perfect make someone who               Adam  the  names,  all  of
               would be earthly, deficient,           them”,  would  be  quite

               and  lowly  represent  the             irrelevant.  Assuming  that
               majesty  and  splendor  of             man was given viceregency
               Allah  in  the  earth?  Can  a         of  Allah,  this  prestige

               lowly  creature  of  the  earth        would  not  be  restricted  to
               be  a  mirror  of  divine              the  person  of  Adam  only,
               beauty and sublimity?                  his  descendants  too  would
                  For the reply, Allah used           be  vicegerents  of  Allah  in

               a sentence, “Surely I know             the earth. Adam was taught
               what  you  do  not  know”,             the names.
               and thereafter He introduced              In  other  words,  this

                                                      knowledge was ingrained in
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