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               124  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (32): 99-145, Autumn. 2022

                  Allameh  Tabatabai  says               who  sees  you  will  be
               in Al-Mizan:                              humiliated”. (Ref: Motahari,
                  Honoring  is  devoting  to             2002: 147)
               care,  and  honoring  is  a               According to this principle,
               quality that is not in others.         it  is  not  proper  for  anyone

               (Ref: Tabatabai, 1995, Vol:            to  humiliate  himself  and
               1-2&7&10)                              submit  to  humiliation,  and
                  The meaning of the verse            since every attribute of vice

               is  that  God  has  honored            and  wrongdoing  is  a  form
               man  in  creation  and  this           of humiliation, man should
               dignity has put honor in his           avoid  what  is  contrary  to

               nature,  so  if  man  finds            his  human  dignity  and
               himself  as  he  is,  he  will         status.
               find dignity and honor.                   Condemnable and disgusting

                  Man        must        avoid        traits  make  man  worthless
               everything  that  demeans              and  worthless,  and  on  the
               him.  If  he  sees  that  the          contrary,  virtues  are  the
               expression of his afflictions          source  of  greatness  and

               and      afflictions     causes        dignity     of     the     soul.
               others  to  regard  him  as            Stinginess,  jealousy,  lying
               helpless  and  incapable,  he          and  other  vile  traits  come

               is not allowed to say so.              from  someone  who  feels
                  Imam Sadeq says:                    tongue-in-cheek and impersonal.
                  “Do not be harsh people             A person who is stingy is a

                  so  that  people  hate  to          prisoner  of  wealth  and  the
                  approach  you,  and  do             one who is jealous does not
                  not  be  lazy  that  anyone         value himself who is upset
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