Page 234 - Pure Life 32
P. 234

Scientometrics Analysis… A. Karimi et al / (233

                  The  findings  of  the              Accounting, Organizations and
               research  showed  that  the            Society  (77),  International

               lowest  share  of  scientific          Journal     of    Educational
               productions  is  related  to           Development (77) have the
               1999 with 137 records and              most articles.

               the highest share is related              The results of this part of
               to 2021 with 1121 records.             the  research  show  that  the
               This indicates that probably           most attention was given to

               the  researchers  gradually            ethics  education  in  the
               realized  the  importance  of          fields  of  social  sciences,
               scientometric  articles  and           medicine,  social  sciences,

               its  role  in  the  coherent           behavior and teacher training,
               review of scientific sources,          and  the  least  attention  was
               and more research measures             given  in  the  fields  of

               have  been  taken  in  this            midwifery,  accounting  and
               regard.                                educational development. It
                  In  the  next  part,  the           is  more  important  in  the
               research  findings  showed             areas  that  were  not  given

               that  most  of  the  articles          much attention and also the
               published  in  the  field  of          areas     that     were     not
               ethics education are related           investigated at all.

               to magazines, Social Science              In  the  next  part,  the
               and      Medicine        (554),        findings  of  the  research
               Procedia-Social and Behavioral         showed  that  the  most

               Sciences (419), The Lancet             scientific publications in the
               (295). And the fewest articles         field of ethical education in
               published in magazines are:            order     of    priority    are:
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