Page 235 - Pure Life 32
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234 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (32): 213-244, Autumn. 2022
research articles with 8140 disagreement and moral
articles, book chapters with non-participation.
470 titles, encyclopedias with Also, topics such as:
461 copies, review articles ethics, education, social
with 400 titles, discussions responsibility, were in the
with 310 items, book focus of attention and were
reviews with 260 items, the most influential and
editorial with 248 items. most used, which are
In the explanation of considered hot spots; But
these findings, it can be things like: Professional identity,
pointed out that this topic is self-efficacy, public interest,
more interesting to researchers transformative leadership,
and has a place to work in social awareness, benevolence,
other fields of scientific professional values, fraud,
publications. public policy, professionalization,
Examining keywords showed educational issues are
that ethics, education, scattered and have received
corporate social responsibility, less attention.
sustainability, culture, Therefore, according to
qualitative research, covid-19, these cases, researchers can
gender, religion were the be suggested to investigate
most frequent. new topics and scattered
The new topics that the topics far from the focal
researchers recently addressed point as future research
are: Covid-19, sustainability, topics.
artificial intelligence, resilience,
moral distress, moral