Page 30 - Pure Life 32
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Conceptual Metaphors of “Selm” Verses… Z. Mirsepasi et al (29

                  Also, in the Tafsir Bayan              These  metaphors,  not
               al-Saadah,  it  is  interpreted        only  in  the  space  of  other

               as  entering  in  such  a  way         verses        change         the
               that it is safe from any pest,         audience's  attitude  towards
               and  in  Tafsir  Jami,  it  is         them;  but  also  affect  the

               interpreted  as  coming  to            audience's  attitude  towards
               heaven  with  the  greetings           the     world     and     other
               of  Allah  and  the  angels.           creatures,  the  audience's

               (Boroujerdi,  1987,  Vol.  6:          behaviors,  and  also  affect
               429; Sultan Ali Shah, 1993,            the     social     area     and
               Vol. 13: 384)                          understanding       of    other

                  Since  peace  has  always           people's         relationships.
               been  a  human  concern,               (Ibid: 170)
               conceptual  metaphors  help               Therefore, considering the

               people  to  understand  this           importance  of  the  concept
               concept      accurately     and        of  peace  and  its  correct
               since  “The  Quran  has  a             understanding,  it  is  very
               complex          metaphorical          important to understand the

               structure and through them,            conceptual  metaphors  of
               it  affects  the  thoughts  of         peace in the Quran in order
               believers”; (Ghaeminia, 2010:          to model pure life.

               169)  trying  to  understand              The     subject     of    the
               the  conceptual  metaphors             present study is the study of
               of  peace  in  the  Quran  is          the conceptual metaphors of

               wise and improves the level            “Selm”  in  the  Holy  Quran
               of  human  life  in  order  to         in  the  framework  of  the
               model pure life.                       critical  analysis  approach
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