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               32  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (32): 27-60, Autumn. 2022
               target  domain  with  a  more          realization  of  world  peace
               abstract concept.                      is  not  possible  without
                  Relying  on  linguistic             reforming human relations,
               evidence,       Lakoff      and        believe  that  the  extent  of
               Johnson  divided  linguistic           this reform includes all the

               metaphors  into  three  main           individual       and     social
               categories:                            dimensions  of  people  and

                   •  Structural Metaphors            on  the  other  hand,  it
                   •  Oriental Metaphors              requires reform in all areas
                   •  Ontological Metaphors.          of  human  existence,  i.e.,

                      (Lakoff and Johnson,            cognitive,  emotional  and
                      1980)                           behavioral areas.
                                                         Mubarez  (2017)  is  also
                  Due to the importance of            one of the other researchers

               peace,  many  researchers              who  studied  in  this  field.
               have studied it so far.                He  examined  “The  theory

                  Deyalameh  and  Noorani             of  the  originality  of  peace
               (2017) in an article entitled          in  Islam”.  He  states  two
               “Conceptualization of world            major  theories  that  the
               peace  from  the  perspective          proponents of each of these

               of     the    Holy      Quran”         two  theories  have  referred
               concluded that Peace in the            to  hadiths  and  Quranic
               comprehensive  view  of                verses and believes that one

               Islam is far beyond what is            places the principle on war
               proposed  in  contemporary             and  Jihad  and  the  other
               thought.  Finally,  these  two         believes in the principle of

               researchers, stating that the          Islamic peace and reconciliation.
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