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               34  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (32): 27-60, Autumn. 2022

                  Tayibi  and  Asadi  (2016)          originality  in  themselves,
               in  an  article  titled  “An           and  are  based  on  the
               approach  to  the  political           principles and general rules
               thought  of  the  Islamic              of the  Islamic government.
               government           regarding         In the end, they emphasize

               international relations from           that  Islamic  diplomacy  is
               the  perspective  of  the              always peaceful, except when
               Quran  and  the  Sunnah”               dealing with arrogant-colonial

               believe  that  understanding           systems and also when it is
               the      original       Islamic        attacked.
               thoughts requires examining               Iftikhari and Mohammadi

               the  sources  of  Islamic              Sirat (2012) have investigated
               reference,  including  the             the concept of peace in the
               Quran  and  the  Sunnah  of            Holy  Quran.  They  believe

               the  Prophet.  By  examining           that  the  most  expressive
               the verses of the Quran, the           word  in  the  Holy  Quran,
               Prophet's  life  and  opinions         which equates to conventional
               based on these two sources,            peace, is the word  “Selm”:

               they     believe     that    the       Islamic peace has a positive
               diplomacy  of  the  Islamic            and  internal  approach  to
               government           is       in       peace, which is drawn in a

               accordance        with       the       fair  format  and  in  order  to
               principles  of  its  divine            achieve  divine  goals,  and
               thinking,  such        as    the       its  non  innant  value  refers

               freedom  and  dignity  of              to  the  introduction  of  the
               human  beings  and  peace              realization  of  the  goals  of
               and  war  do  not  have                religion and justice, it is not
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