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               124  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 101-129, Winter. 2023
               divine  duties  by  which  the         he  interpreted  the  two
               affairs  of  the  servants  are        fellow-prisoners  and  that

               regulated  with  regard  to            what determined the fate of
               livelihood,  as  happened  in          each of them.
               the  interpretation  of  the              The  impact  of  this

               vision  of  the  king  and  the        Quranic  topic  on  true
               vision  of  his  bartender  or         visions      indicates       the
               even a way to show the fate            importance  of  visions  as  a

               and  destiny,  as  happened            way  to  prove  the  world  of
               with  One  of  Joseph’s                the     unseen      and      the
               companions,         and      his       existence  of  a  large  and

               crucifixion and return to his          wide  world  that  includes
               Lord, and a  divine test and           everything that exists in our
               new        knowledge,         as       world; but in a purer more

               happened  in  the  vision  of          universal  form,  which  is
               Abraham.                               the world of imagination.
                  The  interpretation  of                According  to  the  analysis
               dream and its impact on the            that  we  conducted  of  the

               prophet  Joseph  life  on  a           Quranic  visions,  we  saw
               personal level or on  others           how  true  visions  were  a
               to  whom  he  interpreted              way      to    discover      the

               their  visions.  The  effect           benefits  and  harms  of
               that left on the Joseph’s life         things,  the  good  and  bad
               is  evident  by  proving  his          deeds,  and  this  is  what  a

               sincerity,  prophethood,  and          person  needs  to  know  in
               his  lofty  position, while  on        order to walk in this life on
               others’ life, it appears when          the  right  path  towards  the
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