Page 123 - Pure Life 33
P. 123

               122  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 101-129, Winter. 2023
                  3.  The  third  position  is        Noble      Quran,     can    be
                  for  the  prophet  Joseph,          summarized as follows:

                  due  to  the  fact  that  his          By dream, the face of the
                  vision  was  needed  an             descended  truths  from  the
                  interpretation to reach its         world  of  the  unseen  is

                  actual meaning.                     revealed,  in  which  man
                                                      does  not  need  to  evoke
                  Vision  has  occupied  an           evidence  and  proofs  of
               important place in the Holy            what  he  sees;  because  the

               Quran  for  its  great  effects        vision  itself  is  one  of  the
               on  human  life,  whether  in          signs achieved in the depth

               the  material  world  or  the          of  the  human  soul  and
               unseen  world,  and  this              perceived  through  its  senses,
               matter  is  very  evident  in          especially  the  imaginative
               the  Holy  Quran,  which               and imaginal faculties, and

               revolves  around  the  issue           this matter appeared clearly
               of  linking  man  to  the              in    all  the  verses  of  the
               unseen world and knowing               Quranic  visions,  whether

               important       and     pivotal        what  the  Great  Messenger
               things in the future through           saw  in  his  vision  of  their
               interpretating vision’s forms          entering       the      Sacred

               or without it.                         Mosque, which he narrated
                  The  important  effects  of         to his companions and was
               vision,  according  to  what           a  reason  for  their  joy  and

               was  mentioned  in  the                exultation,  or  what  he  saw
               divine  revelation  of  the
                                                      in his sleep about the battle
                                                      of  Badr,  without  which
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