Page 121 - Pure Life 33
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               120  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 101-129, Winter. 2023
               Commander of the Faithful,                Besides  this  victory,  He
               Imam Ali when he took off                 will  give  you  another

               the Khaybar Gate. (Ibn Arabi,             immediate          victory”.
               2001, Vol. 1: 307)                        (Quran, 48: 27)

                   6.  The Conquest of Mecca             Here  we  see  how  the
               We  see  in  this  vision,  the        Almighty  God  linked  the
               glad     news      from      the       realization  of  the  vision
               Almighty  God  to  His                 with  his  divine  will  to

               Messenger         with       the       which  the  believer  must
               conquest of Mecca and the              surrender himself completely

               entry     of     the    Sacred         so  that  his  life  in  itself
               Mosque,        which        was        becomes a shining example
               actually  realized  without            of “God  Willing”: “If God
               any interpretation.                    wills  You  (believers)  will

                    Allah says:                       enter  the  Sacred  Mosque”
                  “God made the dream of              and  when  the  Almighty
                  His Messenger come true             links the realization of this

                  for  a  genuine  purpose.           vision  here  with  His  will,
                  (In  this  he  was  told),  If      “God  willing”,  then  how
                  God wills You (believers)           about  His  servants  who,

                  will  enter  the  Sacred            through  this  sign,  must
                  Mosque, in security, with           adhere  to  politeness  with
                  your  heads  shaved,  nails         him,  follow  his  commands

                  cut, and without  any  fear         and path.
                  in  your  hearts.  He  knew            This    vision     is    also
                  what  you  did  not  know.          considered  as  a  true  vision
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