Page 165 - Pure Life 33
P. 165
164 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 131-167, Winter. 2023
Acknowledgment List of References
I hereby express my
gratitude to the officials 1. The Holy Quran.
and reviewers of Pure Life 2. Abedi, Ahmed (2006).
Journal who worked hard Theological School. Qom: Zaer
to promote and publish my
article, and I hope to 3. Atkinson, Ronald (1990). An
benefit from their Introduction to Philosophy of
Ethics. Translated by: Sohrab
assistance in publishing Alavinia. Tehran: Translation and
research articles in the Publishing Center.
future. 4. Berenjkar, Reza. and Syed
Mohsen Mousavi (2010).
Sheikh Sadouq's Rationalism
and his being a Theologian.
Ulum-i of Hadith. Vol. 15
(Issue. 57): 34-60.
5. Frankena, William (2003).
Philosophy of Ethics. Translated by:
Hadi Sadeghi. Qom: Kitab Taha.
6. Ibn Babiwayh Qomi (Saduq),
Muhammad ibn Ali (2011). Al-
Hidayah. Qom: Payam Imam
Hadi Publications.
7. Ibn Babiwayh Qomi (Saduq),
Muhammad ibn Ali (2014). Ilal
al-sharayi. Translated by:
Mohammad-Ali Soltani. Tehran:
Armaghan Tuba Publications.