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               160  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 131-167, Winter. 2023
                  knowing,  the  All-wise”.           the     highest     level     of
                  (Quran, 2: 32)                      perception. At this level the

                                                      perceiver and the perceived
                   Sheikh  Saduq  in  his             coincide  according  to  the
               commentary  on  the  above-            theory      of     union      of

               mentioned  verse  expressed            intelligent  and  intelligible.
               that whatever we have from             (Ref:  Salariyan  et  al,
               the  aspects  of  knowledge            2022: 169)
               has  been  bestowed  us  by               Axiomatic  knowledge  is

               Allah. (Saduq, 2000: 90)               the     outcome       of     the
                  According        to     prof.       intellect’s    cognition,      a

               Morteza      Motahari,      this       divine  bestowal.  Hence,
               knowledge           is       the       axiomatic      and    essential
               intellectual     apprehension          knowledge  are  as  the  base
               which  is  either  conception          to     comprehend         other

               or  judgement,  either  of             knowledge.         Eventually,
               which  is  axiomatic  or               knowledge  is  categorized
               theoretical. Being known of            into    two      sections     as

               an axiomatic case does not             follows:
               require  to  think;  but  the             -  Axiomatic  knowledge,
               theoretical one needs to.                 obtained        out        of

                  It  is  necessary  to  state           perception of intellect.
               this  point  that  Mulla  Sadra           -  Acquired  knowledge,
               states    four    levels     for          obtained  from  research

               perception. Sensory, imaginary,           and perspective.
               illusory,  and  intellectual,
               that  Rational  perception  is
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