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               96  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 63-100, Winter. 2023
                  obligatory  on  him  to                7. If parents do not allow
                  obey them.                             their  child  to  observe

                                                         recommended  fast,  he
                  4.  In  case  a  supreme               does not have the right to
                  religious  authority  (wali            fast.  (Imam  Khomeini,

                  al-faqih) has not ordered              2012: 264)
                  an individual to take part
                  in    jihad    and    public           8.  It  is  the  right  of
                  mobilization       is    not           parents  to  be  obeyed  by

                  obligatory  either,  the               their  children  in  all
                  child  must  obey  his                 matters  except  for  when

                  parents  who  want  him                parents      go      against
                  not  to  take  part  in  the           religion  forbidding  him
                  jihad.                                 from  doing  what  is
                                                         obligatory and commanding
                  5.  If  parents  forbid  their         him  to  do  what  is
                  child  from  performing  a             forbidden. (Majlisi, 1983,
                  sufficient obligatory duty             Vol. 74: 72)

                  (wajib-e kifayi), he should
                  obey  them  in  case  there         Conclusion
                  are other people doing it.          The  most  important  results

                                                      of  this  research  are  outlined
                  6. If parents want a child          below:
                  to  do  something  whilst              -  In  religious  sources,

                  he  is  performing  a                  every  family  member
                  recommended  prayer,  he               including the wife, husband,
                  must  stop  praying  and               child,  father  and  mother
                  comply with their wish.
                                                         has a right.
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