Page 92 - Pure Life 33
P. 92

Impact of Observance of Family Members' Rights… M.M. Safouraei Parizi (91

               spiritual balance and moral            witnessing  the  behavior  of
               equilibrium  in  order  to             the  family  members.    Thus,

               enable them to take part in            according to Islam, only that
               the collective life in a more          house  is  desirable  and
               realistic manner.                      favorable  in  which  the

                  The religion of Islam has           parents  try  to  create  a
               placed     the     pillars    of       divine environment, and that
               education       within       the       by  implementing  justice

               individuals themselves advising        and  fairness  among  the
               them  to  honor  certain               children, showing compassion
               principles       which,       if       and  mercy  towards  the

               materialized in them, would            children,  respecting  the
               lead to sustainable relationships,     elders  and  aged  ones,
               reciprocal love, balanced life,        cooperation and collaboration

               social care and so forth.              in carrying household chores,
                  Forgiveness,  pity  and             forgiveness  in  terms  of
               compassion, respect for the            overlooking  other  family
               rights  of  others,  courage,          members'  mistakes,  etc.

               sacrifice  and  dedication,            (Majlisi, 1983, Vol. 23: 113)
               consultation,  cooperation,               They  let  their  children
               etc are among the principles           witness  their  parents  and

               of social education underscored        eventually  benefit  from
               by Islam. Family is the first          their  experiences  in  the
               institution  in  which  these          arena  of  social  life  and

               principles are practiced and           interaction      with     other
               upheld.  The  children  and            individuals in the society.
               youngsters  learn  them  by
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