Page 105 - Pure Life 34
P. 105
104 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(34), Spring. 2023
is to empower man. (A Group thing that has intrinsic moral
of Writers, 1988: 497) value is human voluntary
According to Allameh perfection.
Misbah, everything that can Contrary to Machiavelli, he
be valued should be done believes that power cannot
voluntarily, since human have an inherent moral value
perfection is optional; It has because it can only lead to the
real levels, and the relationship perfection of man in one
of our attributes and actions particular way, it may also
with these levels is also real. cause war, destruction and
The highest level of values is loss of man.
God's nearness. (Misbah Yazdi, Therefore, the voluntary
2011: 58) perfection of man is spiritual
and unlimited; The true
6. According to Machiavelli, perfection of a human being
since the goal and perfection is closeness to the source of
of man is his power, then creation, and closeness to
every action that brings a man God will definitely make a
closer to power has a higher person happy and cause him
priority and rank, and every to prosper in the afterlife.
action that takes a man away This nearness is a spiritual
from this goal has lower closeness. Other moral actions
value. He believes that power are graded and valued in this
has intrinsic value and other regard. (Jørgensen and Sohrabian
virtues and perfections have Parizi, 2021: 99-102)
other values, and they are
valued in comparison to power. 7. Machiavelli values the
From Ayatollah Misbah intention of performing moral
Yazdi's viewpoint, the only actions if it leads to human