Page 103 - Pure Life 34
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            102  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(34), Spring. 2023
            Because  of  self-love,  every            have a defect in his existence
            person  likes  to  do  something          and  he  tries  to  eliminate  any
            that causes him to be praised,            deficiency  and  flaw  as  much
            not something that causes him             as  possible  from  himself  in
            to be condemned. (Misbah Yazdi,           order  to  reach  his  desired

            2012: 123-125)                            perfection.  He  hides  defects
                                                      before  he  can  remove  them.
            3. Machiavelli considered the             (Ibid: 28)
            perfection of man  in material               Therefore, from his viewpoint,

            power, and the perfect man in             the true perfection of a human
            his  opinion  is  a  prince  or  a        being is actually the evolution

            ruler.                                    of     the    soul,    and     the
               Unlike Machiavelli, Ayatollah          acquisition of power should be
            Misbah does not consider the              consistent  with  strengthening
            true  perfection  of  man  as             the spiritual dimension of the

            material and natural perfection.          individual,  not  in  line  with
            He  believes  that  humanity              fleeting material goals.
            depends  on  his  divine  spirit

            and  human  evolution  is                 4.  According  to  Machiavelli,
            actually  the  evolution  of  the         it is not enough to have a goal
            soul  that  is  dependent  on  the        without  power,  because  what

            nearness to God. (Ibid, 1998: 460)        makes  goals  come  true  is
               Allameh  Misbah  believes              power.  Machiavelli  declares
            that anyone who pays attention            that man must have power in

            to  his  inner  motivations  and          order to maintain his position
            psychological  tendencies  will           and obtain his goals.
            find that  the  root of  many of             Ayatollah Misbah does not
            them is to achieve perfection.            seek  the  purpose  of  moral

            Basically,  no  person  tends  to         action in material things.
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