Page 118 - Pure Life 34
P. 118

Effects of Education and Quality of Life … K. Kuswanto et al (117

            experienced  a  number  of                education,  the  more  difficult
            disputes,  both  caused  by               it  is  for  someone  to  make  a

            internal  and  external  family           decision. (Wijayanti, 2021)
            factors.                                     Even so, not a few divorces
               It  takes  an  attitude  of            also  occur  in  families  who

            maturity  between  husband                have       higher      education.
            and     wife     in    addressing         Education  is  felt  to  be
            various  problems  in  order  to          insufficient  as  capital  in

            maintain  harmony  of  life  in           building a harmonious household,
            the  household.  Maturity  is  a          it requires financial strengthening
            complex  mix  of  emotional,              sourced from family work.

            mental, and social development               Economic  problems  are
            that  can  be  influenced  by  a          sometimes  more  dominant  as
            number  of  factors,  including           a  trigger  for  conflict  in  the

            life  experience,  culture,  and          household  which  ends  in
            personality traits.                       divorce.  Thus  happiness  in
               Someone  who  is  highly               the  household  is  largely
            educated      will     be    more         determined  by  the  level  of

            inclined  to  consider  the  pros         quality     of    life   that    is
            and  cons  of  every  decision            supported  by  the  level  of
            taken  from  every  problem  he           education,  health,  and  the

            faces. Education refers to the            economy.
            way  people  think,  perceive,               Therefore, the question that
            and  behave  in  the  sense  that         will be answered in this study

            the more educated a person is,            is  how  does  the  level  of
            the  more  rational  they  are  to        education  and  quality  of  life
            make  different  choices,  and            of  the  community  influence

            conversely  the  lower  the
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